MSHA 8 Hr Miner Refresher
This course is designed to assist you in meeting Mining Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) Part 48 requirements for most above-ground mines or above-ground operations at underground mines, and must be performed by a MSHA certified trainer. This 8-hour refresher is required annually as a follow-up to the 24-hour New Miner Training. Part 48 applies to coal mines, underground metal and nonmetal mines, surface metal mines, and certain nonmetal mines that are not in the following industries: surface stone, surface clay, sand and gravel, surface limestone, colloidal phosphate, and shell dredging mines, and other surface operations that produce marble, granite, sandstone, slate, shale, traprock kaolin, cement, feldspar, and lime. These mining industries must comply with the training requirements of Part 46. If your work is both Part 48 and Part 46 mines, Part 48 training may be used to comply with Part 46 requirements.